Getting older usually comes with mobility difficulties, memory issues, and other medical conditions. These concerns can make it difficult for your senior loved one to live alone. This is usually when families begin considering assisted living or nursing homes.
Assisted living facility in Oceanside, CA
An assisted living facility in Oceanside, CA is probably your pick as it offers more independence. If your loved one does not have serious medical conditions and doesn’t need 24/7 care, this is a great choice. But as their health deteriorates, moving to a nursing home might be necessary.
So how do you know when to transition? And how do you make that transition successfully? Let’s go over it together.
Need for Medical Care
When diagnosed with a serious health condition or when an existing condition gets severe, a nursing home might be your only option. Nursing homes provide 24/7 medical care for their residents. The staff can care for seniors that do not need to be in hospital but still need constant monitoring. An example is a severe increase in dementia symptoms. The nursing staff can provide for all your loved one’s medical and personal needs while keeping them safe.
Loss of Independence
Even without a medical illness, your loved one could need significant help with everyday tasks. When their ability to take care of their basic needs declines, it is time to consider a nursing home. An example would be a severe limitation in their mobility or injuries from falling. The nursing staff can provide your loved one with extra attention to stay safe and get through the basic tasks of the day.
Transitioning to a Nursing Home
Making the decision to move your loved one to a nursing home can be very difficult. But your loved’s health and circumstances may dictate that a nursing home is their best option. It will provide your loved one with the help and care they need to continue living their life with dignity.
Despite the need, your loved one might resist going into a nursing home. You can prepare your loved by emphasizing the positive aspects of a nursing home. Your loved one will be able to receive the level of help they need. They will be able to focus on the meaningful activities of their life instead of struggling.
It is possible your loved one will outright reject going into a nursing home. This might be due to fear, stubbornness or pride. If your loved one’s caregivers all agree that assisted living in Oceanside, CA is not enough and a nursing home is necessary, your loved one’s resistance can be difficult to manage. It is important to respect your parent’s wishes, but it is also important to make the choice that is best for the entire family. Talk with your loved one frankly about the impacts of their resistance on the whole family.
Family and friends should do their best to ease your loved one’s fears about moving into a nursing home. Provide the information you have researched. If possible, visit the nursing home together, talk to staff and get familiar with the facility. Address your loved one’s questions and concerns with patience and sympathy.
Most importantly, ensure your loved one feels like a valued member of the family. The transition from assisted living in Oceanside, CA to a nursing home can be very emotionally challenging for your loved one. They might be afraid of being forgotten in a nursing home by their family. Commit to spending time with your loved one the same as you did in their assisted living facility.
Despite the negative ideas you may have about nursing homes, they are not much different from assisted living facilities. Nursing homes provide engaging activities for residents. These might include entertainment, social activities, and other care services. Like an assisted living facility, they provide for resident’s physical and mental health.
Your Guilty Conscience
If you are struggling with the decision to move your loved one into a nursing home, you are not alone. Many people worry about the decision. Will my loved one think I am dumping them in a nursing home because I don’t care? Will my loved one feel too restricted? Will my loved one be angry and unhappy? Am I failing my loved one by moving them to a nursing home?
These are all normal fears to have. Having an honest conversation with your loved one is essential in understanding what is best for both of you. You might be surprised to find out that your loved one agrees with your decision. Some seniors are even relieved at the change as it offers a less stressful living situation.
It is normal to feel conflicted about moving your loved one to a nursing home. It is vital for you to deal with your feelings so that you can support your loved one through the transition. Understand that this decision is based on love and not in an attempt to thwart responsibility. You are doing what is best for your loved one.
Transitioning your senior loved one from an assisted living facility in Oceanside, CA to a nursing home can be difficult. But doing your research and preparing ahead of time can make all the difference. Adding the support of your family and friends will make the experience even less stressful.