The Golden Years is a time for YOU to Live Passionately, Purposefully and Playfully! Call us for a complimentary lunch or dinner to experience our lifestyle!
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How Seniors Benefit from Memory Care Services

More and more seniors have come to recognize the benefits of aging within a healthy community provided by senior living retirement homes. As a result of this high demand, various housing options start to sprout up--from independent living facilities to resort retirement communities. Fortunately, senior communities not only cater to independent and non-disabled seniors - [...]

Why You Should Choose Independent Living in Oceanside

With comfortable apartment living, seniors can go from expensive high maintenance homes to independent living smoothly. Accommodations at Ocean Hills are made with easy navigation in mind - whether you're using a wheelchair, walker, or not using any mobility device. Independent living is compact and without any potential safety hazards.   A Relaxing and Tranquil [...]

What is the Difference Between Independent and Assisted Living?

As the world progresses, senior care and retirement homes have gained ground as well. Unlike in past years, today’s seniors have plenty of choices available to them when choosing a senior home. With many options at play, it can be confusing and challenging for older adults and their families to decide which suits them best. [...]

What Makes Assisted Living Facilities Perfect for Seniors?

After many years of working and caring for others, your loved one deserves a happy and comfortable retirement. Assisted living facilities offer the following benefits: The support that's necessary for seniors. A safe place to call home. Opportunities to live a busy and productive life. Social activities. Consider the six reasons below of why assisted [...]

Expert Tips for Understanding Dementia Behaviors in Seniors

According to WHO, over 50 million seniors aged 65 and above suffer from dementia. Out of that estimated number, about 5.8 million are senior Americans whose dementia already progressed into an Alzheimer’s disease. Every year, millions of older adults and their families agonize over the consequences that come with dementia. In addition to memory loss, [...]

Creative Games and Activities for Seniors With Dementia

Dementia has a way of disrupting and slowly destroying one’s life. It can become irreversible and progress into a much more severe disorder like Alzheimer’s disease.  However, an individual can halt its deteriorating effects by sticking to their doctor’s intervention plans, such as engaging in mind-stimulating and interactive activities for seniors. Just like normal older [...]

By |2022-05-24T15:26:40-08:00December 29th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Memory Care Category, Senior Living|Tags: , |0 Comments

Fun and Festive Holiday Activities For Seniors

The senior citizens have taught us the true meaning of culture and tradition. Without them, we probably would have lost touch with our festivals. Holidays can be a lot of fun for senior citizens, even if they have physical limitations. It all comes down to feeling included and loved. Holiday activities for seniors need to [...]

By |2022-04-29T07:03:17-08:00December 10th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Holidays, Senior Living|Tags: , |0 Comments

The Benefits of Art Therapy and How it Helps Seniors

Art therapy became a distinct form of psychotherapy back in the 1940s. It was considered an effective way for people of different age groups to express their emotions and achieve personal growth.  Art therapy helps people gain self-understanding and effectively process their emotional changes. Many therapists prescribe art therapy to patients to help them cope [...]

By |2022-06-10T14:21:05-08:00November 28th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Health, Senior Living|Tags: , |0 Comments

How Can Practicing Mindfulness Benefit Seniors?

With the pandemic still plaguing the world, many older adults have become more concerned and protective of their physical health, and for good reasons. However, this does not mean that you should forget about another essential aspect of your well-being, which is equally important--your mental health.  The mind needs exercise just like your body if [...]

By |2022-03-22T12:55:47-08:00November 9th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Health, Senior Living|Tags: , |0 Comments

Why Staying Hydrated Is Important as You Get Older 

Heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes are just a few among several health conditions that mainly affect the older adult population. With the plethora of illnesses that threaten a senior’s health, some may be likely to be overlooked, one of which is dehydration.  Whether you are an adolescent or a 40-something mom, drinking enough water has [...]

By |2022-06-10T14:33:52-08:00October 27th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Health, Senior Living|Tags: , |0 Comments
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